Tuesday, 2 April 2019

MT Tech Professor Claims UFOs Are Time Machines from Future - KPAX

"Time Travelers from the future" has been a suggested origin for UFOs for some time. What's especially noteworthy in this headline article is that a mainstream university professor is seriously advocating the discussion among his peers, and that both mainstream journalist John Emeigh and editor of 25 years' experience Mark Thorsell are treating the matter with the same seriousness. Anthropology Ph.D. Michael P. Masters' new book Identified Flying Objects: A Multidisciplinary Scientific Approach to the UFO Phenomenon may well be worth a read, in spite of its trying to explain one major unknown by invoking another hugely contentious uncertainty. Paul Seaburn examines this theory and professor in Anthropologist Claims UFOs are Actually Time Machines From the Future. Paul notes the term "extra-tempestrials" Masters uses to designate these supposed later human visitors, whose modes of conveyance are time machines rather than ET spacecraft. An excellent interview is available at Jim Harold's Paranormal Podcast: Are Aliens Really Human Time Travelers From the Future? Masters says his theory is tenable even without all the various Close Encounters accounts, violates no legitimate paradoxes about fiddling with time itself, and gets physical with discussion of the "runaway brain scenario" that may help explain the varying visual appearances of UFOnauts as coming from different points in time post-ours. (WM)

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