Thursday 11 April 2019

Grand Canyon Mummies Versus Death Valley Giants

There is a similar story told of a find in the 1930s in Death Valley, California. The find was stumbled upon by a prospector poking around an ancient mine that caved in, sending him into a cavern. In this installment of the series, let's compare the Grand Canyon supposed find with the Death Valley supposed find.

Prior installments:
#1 LINK Background
#2 LINK Original Article
#3 LINK Others Attempts To Find the Giants' Cave
#4 LINK Google Earth Survey

Death Valley Find

From the book Death Valley Men by Bourke Lee (summarized)

A lost city of gold worth billions of dollars. They’ve needed help to get it out, but people all want too much a share, Smithsonian (Smithsonian involved in Grand Canyon find too) offered 1.5 million instead of the 5 million they offered.

Right in the Panamint Mountains, found by accident. White was prospecting near Wingate Pass at the south end of the range. He was working in an old abandoned mine shaft when the shaft crumbled and he fell below. 

Natural tunnel/cave 20 miles long, through treasure vault, royal palace, and council chamber. It a gallery with stone arches in the eastern slope of the Panamints. 

The arches are high above the valley but the men believed that the valley was filled with water long ago and so this was above the water line and they would land their boats there. (Interestingly, Lovelock Cave was thought to be at the water level of the ancient Lake Lohantan and Grand Canyon find Kinkaid said had steps for 30 yards from the cave entrance to where he believed the water line used to be).

They believe these people lived inside this city long after the lake dried up. (The Paiute legend said that the "Hav-Masuv" people of the Panamints went underground when the water dried up. They spoke of these people having arrived here prior to the Natives, coming by ship and that when they went underground they started to use silver ships that flew in the air).

They believe the people in the caverns had been dead for thousands of years, all mummified.

Gold spears, gold shields, gold statues, gold jewelry, thick gold bands on their arms (gold and copper reported items in Grand Canyon).

He fell into a cavern that was huge and there were a hundred men in it. Some were sitting around a polished table inlaid with gold and precious stones. Men stood around the walls of the room holding shields and spears of solid gold. They all wore leather aprons, covered in gold ornaments and jewels. Thomason believed that they had been having a council meeting when they died all together quite suddenly. (The same conclusion was made by Kinkaid of a male warrior council dying suddenly.)

When the man fell into the chamber room, he had stumbled in the dark. He found that these ancient people had natural gas they used for lantern light down there. He fumbled in the dark, stumbled over a rock lever and gas flames lit up from the candle he was using.

There was a gold statue with the face of the man sitting at the table. He said it was 89-1/2 feet tall. He said he used a sextant to measure it – he carried one for hiking in the desert.

Doors were slats of rock on hinges that pivoted. There was a bar across them and he found a small latch on the short end of the bar and the bar swung up. They understood counterweights.

Treasure: Gold bars and precious stones (similar to Grand Canyon). Treasure rooms inside of big rock bores. Gold stacked in small bars stacked against the walls like bricks. The jewels were in bins cut into the walls. They had stone wheelbarrows to move the gold and jewels. They were easy to move, balanced, with the wheel not on the end so that a man had to lift the weight, but in the center. White fell in, he went in with Fred Thomason twice and then took his wife once.

Fred admitted twice they brought stuff out. First time, filled their pockets with gems and each carried a gold bar. They left the stuff with a friend and went to try and interest someone in their find. A government man was interested, but they went back to the friend to get the items and the friend said he’d never seen them.

The next time, they got more treasure and buried it next to the shaft entrance. They went back to the coast to convince some university people and southwest museum people to come out and they got up on the mountains and he could not find the shaft. A storm had changed the landmarks. The scientists were angry and worked hard to discredit them after that.

White and Thomason admitted they could get back in again. They could enter through the galley windows cut up high on the Panamints on the west side – about 4500 to 5000 feet up. Openings across from the Furnace Creek Ranch. Can see the green of the ranch right below and the Furnace Creek Wash across the valley.

Some men got a Native American (Tom Wilson) to guide him whose grandfather had been through the caves. Far south of the mountains, these men found a mine shaft in the mountain where a shaft shouldn’t be. They rushed off and ordered a lot of rope and checked out the shaft. It was not deep, but did not go anywhere.

Note from the blog: This comparison and the long-held stories of the Smithsonian squirreling away finds makes one wonder if the Department of Ethnology made in conjunction with the Smithsonian worked as a front to claim native finds of treasure and then have the Smithsonian step in to take the treasures away. Perhaps the country wished to secure all its resources including anything of great worth of prior cultures and Spanish conquistadors.


Here's my 6-video reading from the book -

Next installment of Grand Canyon Mummies is the final one in which we bring to life a fictionalized narrative of how this all might have gone down....

from Ghost Hunting Theories

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