Friday 15 February 2019

Virgin Mary at Medjugorje, the - Journal of a UFO Investigator

David Halperin expresses honest confusion about the claims of "modern" appearances of the Virgin Mary to young Croatians beginning in 1981. And well he might, for the Catholic Church itself--the most directly affected body by this phenomenon--has struggled over the veridicality of the alleged visitations. The 2018 book Medjugorje and the Supernatural: Science, Mysticism, and Extraordinary Religious Experience strongly argues for a bona fide mystical event. Its author, Brother Daniel Maria Klimek, has impeccable credentials. Halperin notes parallels with certain UFO Close Encounters, which adds to the mystery. Jose Antonio Caravaca has had something to say about Marian apparitions, and it is an interesting coincidence that "the unimpeachable Oxford University Press" published the Klimek book, as well as the impending American Cosmic: UFOs, Religion, Technology, by Professor and Dean Diana Walsh Pasulka. Rather in the other direction is Nick Redfern's UFOs: A Highway to Hell? Nick considers the story of a professed Contactee who claimed to have actually visited "Hell" (a planet) against a larger and perhaps more material background. This latter is an association of "believers" who wield extraordinary power, whose beliefs are detailed in Nick's Final Events: And the Secret Government Group on Demonic UFOs and the Afterlife, published by Anomalist Books. This is a work of major relevance today in light of revelations as to cancellation of funding earmarked for the (apparently ongoing) Pentagon program to study UFOs. (WM)

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