Thursday 7 February 2019

The Great Georgia Bigfoot Hoax and Beyond - Mysterious Universe

Ah, hoaxers...If not for them where would the cryptozoology world direct its loathing? But as much as we want to ostracize the fame-seeking little liars, we are all too ready to welcome them back when they make their next fantastical claim, because they promise This Time they're telling the truth. Rick Dyer is an example of a trickster who has fooled us not once, but twice. Does that make crypto nerds naive fools? No. It just makes us overly enthusiastic optimists. Probably does us good to become a bit jaded. Of course, not all crypto reports smack of hoaxery. Some are just downright creepy. Another Mothman Sighting Reported in Indiana, this time by an experienced observer with military training. The sighting preceded a cold snap that killed more than two dozen people recently, reminding us that the winged humanoid first came to notoriety as a harbinger of tragedy. It's not like we needed something to remind us of the fragility of life--just turning on the news does that. At least if someone claims to have caught one, we won't be in a great hurry to believe them--although we might be in a rush to leave town. (CM)

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