Friday 8 February 2019

Powerful Mystery Booms Continue to Rattle the US Without Explanation - Mysterious Universe

Reports of inexplicable booms in the US continue, and while some are attributable to frost quakes (think pressure cracks on frozen lakes, only underground), others are occurring in areas not the least bit frozen.  Seismic activity is being denied, so unless aliens are digging their way out of an underground base (kidding!) that leaves military exercises as a probable explanation. But that's being denied as well. Mostly there's no comment at all, as this Brett Tingley story reveals: Officials Are Silent as Unexplained Mystery Booms On the Rise Around the US. Across the world, there's another mystery that might not be paranormal in nature: Ghost Trumpeter of Lake Iruka in Japan — Solved? Possibly. The working theory, based on a young man claiming to practice his trumpet playing by the lake, is that many musicians in the past have done the same thing, all in an effort to find a quiet place to practice and not disturb the neighbors. Case solved. Now if only we could figure out which trumpet player walks on water...(CM)

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