Monday 4 February 2019

Move Over, Crop Circles — Mysterious Snow Bear Outline Defies Explanation - Mysterious Universe

We're just coming off Ground Hog Day (Imbolc to the magickally inclined readers out there) and Super Bowl weekend, so we're keeping with the trend of finding happiness in the short days of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Someone--or something--imprinted the image of a snow bear on a snow covered frozen canal in Quebec. Sounds ominous, like Mother Earth rose up and left a message doesn't it? Take a look at the bear and if you aren't overcome by a need to smile widely you may not have a heart. Having said that, there are some serious questions around its origin (drunk Canadians?) and how the heck it was made (Cannuck friendly Sasquatch?).  We've got another Canadian mystery, and while possible conclusions are pretty down to earth, they seem to be harder to prove than battery sucking alien craft: Mysterious Force Kills Key Fobs, Batteries and Car Alarms in Canadian Town. It would be all to easy to blame the ridiculously cold temperatures of an Albertan winter except that winter tends to extend past the parking lot of the local Co-op. The local RCMP detachment clearly haven't watched enough X-Files to get excited and no one wants to investigate when it means frost bite. Good thing Co-Ops sell battery cables and Canadians are friendly.  We just hope the aliens are too... (CM)

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