Sunday 3 February 2019

How Does Bigfoot Survive The Winter? - Coast2Coast AM

As the Republic begins to thaw from the polar vortex, Tim Binnall's been worried sick over the well-being of sasquatch. Fortunately Albany's Jeff Holmes-Hunter at WTEN hit up local experts and weirdos for their take on how the big guy withstands punishing cold weather. Let's just say it doesn't involve french toast. In case you were wondering, that Utah bigfoot story just won't die. But is it a "dank meme" as kids today like to call it, or is bigfoot just one of the Osmonds's biggest fans? There are Witnesses Who Recall Seeing "Bigfoot" In Utah, But Experts ArenĂ¢€™t Buying It. Who are these experts? Jeff Meldrum? Jonathan Downes? Karl Shuker? Cliff Barackman? Michael Rugg? Ken Gerhard? Did this, deservedly, anonymous "journalist" even try to ring up the capo di tutti capi of cryptozoology Loren Coleman? Nope, just some grayfaces who parrot their party line with weak invocations of "probable". What's next, anonymous investigative journalist? Asking "Moscow" Mitch McConnell for his objective opinion of the Mueller Investigation? (CS)

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