Sunday 17 February 2019

Expert Investigates 10-Year-Old's "Reincarnation" Claims - NBC News

In case you've been living under a gravestone, there's this kid who claims to have been a Hollywoody big-shot back in the day. Dr. Jim Tucker's been keen on the tale, how everything matches up perfectly, and Cynthia McFadden sat down with the kid and Dr. Tucker for a closer look into this case. Next time Cynthia's hard-up, perhaps she'd enjoy camping with Brent Swancer. He's compiled an exhaustive roster of Spooky Haunted Cabins In The Woods normally unavailable through Airbnb. Or she can chat up the queen of ghost investigations, Hayley Stevens, for her hot take on The Ethics Of Paranormal Skepticism encouraging skepticism of skepticism. From the other side of the aisle Michael Prescott throws some shade on James Randi, and his ilk, for being Less Than Amazing when it comes to their positivist "methodologies" for denying the existence of the paranormal. Surprisingly, Prescott mounts a serious defense of some paranormalists who have been long written-off as being hoaxers. (CS)

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