Sunday 10 February 2019

Consciousness: The Fringe's Final Frontier -

Consciousness. The final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Jason Colavito. His multi-year mission, to seek out new woo and new strangeness, boldly debunking what no one has debunked before. Woo-oooo-oo-oo-oo-oo Ahem. Jason continues to reframe provocative ideas into a mainstream context, draining out all the fun, strangeness, and wonder in life. Today's elephant in his room is the c-word. No, not that one. Consciousness. Despite airs of being a level-headed mechanistic-materialist, Jason winds up winging materialism despite aiming at Kripal and Robert Schoch. The concept of conscious stars, balls of bright plasma not vapid blondes and hung chads with a penchant for memorizing scripts, is sucker-punched despite the grudging acceptance of panpsychism with Consciousness As A State Of Matter and Gregory Matloff's notion of conscious stars then his what happened when he revisited the topic. And then there's Adam Frank, simplifying Matloff's hypotheses for audiences in hopes of answering the question, "Is The Universe Conscious, on a completely materialist basis. Then again, maybe Jason reckons there oughtn't be a broad spectrum to materialism. Or he's also confounded by the fact materialism is a gateway philosophy to the metaphysical. Everyone knows what happens when one dabbles in the metaphysical, they become woomeisters, kooks, and sprout funny hairstyles. If my rebuke doesn't seem more random, like inebriated, chessboard knights, there is no progress in science unless practicioners of science can play while thinking for themselves. One never knows if a street is a dead end unless one takes the turn. Why take signs, erected by unknown agents, at face value? (CS)

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