Wednesday 13 February 2019

Ancient Civilizations and the Sixties: The Obsession with Ancient Astronauts - Ancient Origins

Tobias Churton may exaggerate that Erich von Daniken initiated rather than latched onto and accelerated "a trend that continues to this day," and we know that "channellers" and "Contactees" were spreading their "'mission' of alleged 'spacepeople'" well before Chariots of the Gods appeared in 1968. But the rest of this article is an eye-opening look into a period that some of us remember and still can't figure out. Jason Colavito is typically gloomy about things in Jose Canseco, Time-Traveling Aliens, and the Radicalizing Effect of "Ancient Aliens". But Tawny Jarvi's father becoming obsessed with Ancient Aliens as factual is more than a little unsettling, in view of some of the other tv output by History. Jason also convinces in Tampa-Area Man Wonders If Roman Coins Found on Beach Prove Pre-Columbian European Presence in Florida. Aside from the lead-in on the masculinization of the Science Channel's new Viking archaeology tv series inaugural episode, Jason's remarks on the title claim seem spot on. Excavating any historian or archaeologist's home likely could confuse seriously any future digger. (WM)

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