Saturday 2 February 2019

Amateur Astronomy Equipment May Have Spotted Tiny Object Beyond Neptune - Gizmodo

If a hand-held computer that can run Doom, call your mom, and Snapchat photos of bigfoot to Loren Coleman aren't proof enough of living in the future, Ryan Mandelbaum's going to emphasize the point. For a mere $6,000 USD, some professional astronomers with amateur equipment spotted something super tiny billions of miles away. And yet with plenty of fancy equipment, armies of doctoral candidates, and a mountain of data Mike "Don Quixote of the Stars" Brown still can't find his phantom planet. Adding insult to injury, Paul Seaburn gives tell of a Strange Object Suddenly Appearing In Earth Orbit. It's probably an astronaut's trash bag, but should it survive re-entry to Earth then at least Mike Brown has something to trash his futile grabs for relevance in astronomy's future. (CS)

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