Wednesday 6 February 2019

Aliens, Pancakes & Fairies: The Strangest Connection! - Mysterious Universe

Hungry? Nick Redfern notes the folkloric elements in one of the most interesting UFO Close Encounter stories, and the result is an appetizingly-illustrated post that provides food for thought. Less "light" is the fare discussed by Nick's When Alien Abductees Are Watched By "Them". Full-sized human beings seem behind some dark doings against people writing about UFO abductions. Nick almost leaves us hanging at the end of this piece; perhaps there is more to come? Things get a little lighter again and more fun with Brent Swancer's Spectacular and Amusing UFO Hoaxes That Fooled Everyone. Two of the three stories were new to us, and all are amazing. We haven't been following and honestly don't know how to approach the matter when Jose Canseco Talks About Aliens and Time Travel. The colorful ex-baseball player has certainly led an interesting and controversial life, irrespective of his head having caused a home run on May 26, 1993 in one of the most famous baseball misplays of all time. (WM)

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