Tuesday 5 February 2019

A Needy, Dishonest Ufologist: Revisiting Nick Pope's Claims - Hayley is a Ghost Geek

A post on UFO personalities starts with another Rendlesham Forest theory, this one a likely hoaxed story. We noted on last month how skeptical British researcher David Clarke was unfairly misrepresented by the tabloids as an "Alien fanatic" and the promoter of the probable fraud. Well, Nick Pope apparently was taken in by the misreporting and attacked Clarke, as detailed by Hayley Stevens in 'A Needy, Dishonest Ufologist': Was Rendlesham a UFO Prank? In her current article Stevens decries Pope's ill-informed and ill-advised "attack-posts" still being up on Pope's Facebook profile. There's more to it as Stevens details, and none of it complimentary to Pope. David Metcalfe makes an old post new in Outer Phenomenon and Inner Journey--A Review of David Halperin's Journal of a UFO Investigator. A thoughtful veteran of the ufological experience, David Halperin possesses an idiosyncratic, challenging, and deeply fascinating view of UFOs, and his semi-autobiographical novel here receives a glowing appreciation. We get another slice of the UFO past in A Letter from Charles Bowen, January 30, 1967. John Keel site minder Doug Skinner notes this is the last from the file of Keel-Bowen correspondence. Per usual, there are some nuggets in the short note that illuminate ufological history and that you're unlikely to find elsewhere. (WM)

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