Thursday 24 January 2019

The Government’s Secret UFO Program Funded Research on Wormholes and Extra Dimensions - Motherboard

Here is the first of three takes on the recent release of the five-page briefing document on the DIA’s sponsorship of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), the government-sponsored UFO program revealed more than a year ago by The New York Times. Actually the list of report titles commissioned by AATIP was released last summer. But nevermind. Sarah Emerson of Motherboard basically follows the line of Federation of American Scientists budget watchdog Steven Aftergood, who points to some of the science fiction-sounding report titles and labels them a waste of taxpayer money. A better treatment of the story is Joseph Trevithick's Here's The List of Studies the Military's Secretive UFO Program Funded, Some Were Junk, published on The Drive. Investigating reported UFO sightings, he notes, "actually makes good sense in many ways, since UFO sightings can turn out to be very real advanced and top-secret aviation programs." Trevithick also notes that "much of the research does appear to have come from reputable sources, even if the topics sound highly theoretical or outlandish in some cases." But he comes down hard on Hal Puthoff and his EarthTech International and labels some of the reports "suspect." Then there is Billy Cox's take on the situation in Thinking we need a bit more info, which concludes with "it looks like us taxpayers got pinched for, oh, let’s say $578,947 apiece for a bunch of presumably theoretical research papers." It seems to us that what everybody is missing here is that the UFO investigations carried out by AATIP--like the analysis of military UFO videos--led to specific conclusions about the capabilities of the phenomenon, which then led to the commissioning of these reports in an effort to determine just what kind of technology might be able to duplicate these capabilities. After all, the AATIP was a national security program. (PH)

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