Saturday 26 January 2019

Synchro-Myth in the Making: Hellier Review - Daily Grail

If you thought a documenary about humanoids in Kentucky would be Discovery Channel-tier trash with awful CGI, Red Pill Junkie finds something deeper going on in Greg and Dana Newkirk's Hellier. Buckle up, as RPJ takes you on his wild ride through the history of forteana and how all the threads seemingly come together in this series confirming there's still some magic in the world. Despite pretentions of materialism and positivism-couched-as-skepticism, magick persists and thrives. Such is Edward Beyer and Randall Styers's thesis concerning The Fall And Rise Of Modern Magick. What tickles John Rimmer most in his glowing review are the connections between magick and science undermining attempts at disenchantment. (CS)

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