Monday 21 January 2019

Radar Mysteries Over Maine, Florida, and the Midwest Leave Experts Baffled - Mysterious Universe

We have a pair of strange observations from the US which will have conspiracy theorists salivating, and we have to admit they might be on to something. First up, radar anomalies have experts wondering if the military have been engaged in exercises involving the release of chaff, an aluminum-based radar countermeasure of sorts.  If it's not chaff that is baffling the radar, then it's been weather anomalies, which is far more worrisome. Then there's the Strange ‘Alien Sounds’ Heard Throughout U.S. East Coast. Lasting for several minutes at a time, these sounds have been described as jet engines roaring and space shuttles launching. Considering the radar weirdness also described around the east coast, those observations are likely very accurate. (CM)

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