Saturday 19 January 2019

Hallucinations Are Everywhere - The Atlantic

As we approach the centenary of Julian Jaynes, whose maverick theory of mind and consciousness continues to provoke discussion and inspire media, it appears his hypothesis gains traction every day. While Joseph Frankel isn't being directed to write at the behest of Marduk, he lays out the evidence illustrating we may not be so far removed from our Bronze Age forebears. If you find that compelling, here's Steve Taylor's argument for Open-Minded Science brimming with hard, statistical evidence which should embolden mainstream researchers to relax their obstinancy. Adding a little materialist sugar to the bitter pill of materialism not being the end-all, be-all of reality, Hanna Rosin and Alix Spiegel discuss The Power Of Expectations with nifty animations courtesy of Francesca Cattaneo. We leave it to you to infer how it relates to magick, psi, and perhaps reconciling materialism with the two. These types of phenomena aren't the sole domain of (so-called) higher orders of life if Dr. Fernando Alvarez has anything to say about it. What he's found is An Experimenter Psi Effect In Precognition Tests With Planarians, suggesting "reality" is a mix of materialism and psi rather than eschewing one for another on dogmatic grounds. (CS)

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