Wednesday 23 January 2019

Defence Chiefs 'Can't Rule Out' Idea of 'Extra-terrestrial Visitation' and It May Pose a 'Threat to the UK' - The Sun

Elements in the British government tussled over the ETH explanation for UFOs. Emma Parry relates how Nick Pope and, through him, The Sun got advance information about the final two Ministry of Defence UFO-related documents set to be released to the public. The details show a pattern similar to what's behind the U.S. reaction to the UFO problem. Our neighbors to the north are more reticent on the subject, as illustrated by their Military Denies Knowledge of Mystery Aircraft Seen Circling Canadian City for Days. Brett Tingley asks "What's going on in the skies over Kingston [Ontario]?" Finally, Alfonso Salazar: Close Encounters Between Guatemalan Pilots and UFOs presents UFO meetups with dramatic details, including some UFO near-misses. And with Close Encounters of the Ultimately Tragic Kind Nick Redfern relates the early part of the Paul Bennewitz story, an appalling tale indeed. (WM)

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