Saturday 19 January 2019

Defence Chiefs "Can't Rule Out" Idea Of "Extra-Terrestrial Visitation" And It May Pose A "Threat To The UK" - The Sun

Pfft, aliens are nothing compared to Theresa May's bumbling attempts to prevent Great Britain from driving off the White Cliffs of Dover and exploding in a fireball. Only twentysomething years ago the Ministry of Defense reckoned saucers posed an existential threat to the Crown, and Emma Parry gets her hands dirty by sifting through reams of documents detailing the bickering behind closed doors. Of course It's Never Aliens, Until It Is. Cases in point: 'Oumuamua and those fast radio bursts which may be among the first crumbs of a trail leading to you-know-who. More on those tomorrow, true believers! Until then, should aliens reach out and touch us, some Scientists Have Named The Possible Scenarios Of Contact With Extraterrestrial Intelligences ranging from outright destruction to laboratory mice. (CS)

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