Friday 25 January 2019

Argentina: Musician from Los Alfiles Allegedly Photographed UFO at La Banda - Inexplicata

We start a worldwide tour of recent UFO claims with another entertainer sighting, this one by a musician after consuming mate. The witness-photographer didn't notice the object at the time, and a blow-up of one photo shows a beautiful UFO shape. There seems a touch of ambivalence in the article towards the story. Also in Argentina: Regarding the CE3K Between Ensenada and Punta Lara has very sketchy details of the humanoid encounter, but Luis Burgos is apparently on the case. This article also gives a good exposition of Burgos's "Decimal Hypothesis." Tim Binnall's Pilot Reports UFO over Pakistan aptly notes the pilot's description of the object he saw. Is this a Hollywood-driven product, an influence from previous UFO reports, reference to a human space vehicle, or an amalgam of all three? -- the answer might affect the image we conjure up. To Europe and a UFO Spotted Three Times in Two Weeks Over Hull, England. Sequoyah Kennedy discusses a trio of different sightings, two photographically supported. Kennedy thinks this "mini-flap" is worth monitoring. Dan Bean seems less sure about the claims he records in The Truth Is Out There--did York Ghost Walk Host Catch UFO on Camera?. It seems a former musician-now-turned Ghost Tour conductor was drinking coffee when disturbed by a UFO, which he was able to video. Bean and his readers seem even more skeptical of this musician's footage than was felt about the Argentinian caffeine-imbiber, some seeing a public-relations ploy to advertise Trevor Rooney's spooky tours. (WM)

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