Friday 25 January 2019

Area 51: Why It's Futile To Try And Get In - Mysterious Universe

"Trying to access Area 51 is dicey, dangerous, pointless, and fruitless. Do not do it." That's Nick Redfern's strong advice; nonetheless, some people do make the attempt. Nick has a diverting story about one such incident. Nick continues his series of articles informed by research for his new book Area 51: The Revealing Truth of UFOs, Secret Aircraft, Cover-Ups & Conspiracies with Alien Creature or Sophisticated Doll? Here Nick focuses on an element in the Bob Lazar story bearing upon whether Lazar was fibbing, reporting a true event, or was honestly duped into believing he saw a real-live ET during his stint at Nevada's Dreamland. And last but not least Kevin Randle discusses Moon Dust, Robert Hippler and Project Blue BookBG. We're not sure what the "BG" stands for, but it's rather a relief to be talking about that Air Force UFO program without meaning the one currently on the telly. Kevin makes useful points about the man who may have engineered the outcome of the University of Colorado UFO Project before its "real work" began. (WM)

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