Monday 10 December 2018

Suzanne Hansen Interview - The Paracast

In this interview, Gene and J. Randall Murphy go as far afield as can be done without some kind of ET help, interviewing the Founding Director of UFOCUS NZ (New Zealand). Much of the dialogue concerns the tidy and clear website with its many sighting reports. We also hear about Suzanne Hansen's own UFO encounters, including missing time episodes and her abduction experiences. Closely questioned on the matter, Suzanne says she did not start hypnotic regressions until decades after her initial experiences, and then just to "fill in the blanks" in some of her consciously-recalled events. Gene and Randall want to get at the "why" of abductions, which Suzanne prefers to be called "contacts," and why we should believe the ETs "just want to help." Suzanne says many of the answers are in her book, which hopefully would clarify how the message and activity she describes significantly differs from the standard spiel given to or by the contactees of the '50s and '60s. (WM)

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