Thursday, 8 November 2018

What We Know And What We Believe Are Not Always The Same Thing: Here's How Our Perception Of Fact Influences Our Worldvi...

Well, it's not the follow-up to that tantalizing tidbit Luis Elizondo recently said about there being more than one unidentified object in the GIMBAL video. But halfway through this piece on separating knowledge from belief, the Director of Global Security & Special Programs for To The Stars Academy inserts a few specific "zingers" from his personal experience and that of his predecessor that make this more than a pedestrian exercise and raise the intensity of the debate on just how well this country is being served by those in a position to affect its current and future security. Next, Miguel (Red Pill Junkie) Romero stopped us dead in our ocular tracks with Is To The Stars Involved In Upcoming TV Series Based On The Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident, Starring Laurence Fishburne? Now "RPJ" admits he's freely speculating on the Academy's potential involvement in a Sony Pictures Television series, but what he says seems reasonable and his concerns about the quality of the series itself have some weight. It also appears that Mr. Elizondo took a lesson from himself on separating knowledge and belief in an important presentation he gave in Italy, perhaps underscoring critics' suggestions that the Academy would benefit from a bona fide ufologist somewhere on its rolls. Jason Colavito comments on that Roman Holiday in Bad Data Dump: "To the Stars" Takes Italy, and Brien Foerster Releases Elongated Skull DNA Results. Jason is his corrosive self here, but by proxy of an analysis Robert Sheaffer did of the trip. And for us who marvel at "pop-archaeology" these days, Colavito also piggy-backs upon a critical analysis of Brien Foerster's Paracas skull DNA test results. (WM)

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