Friday 23 November 2018

Researchers Claim to Have Found Atlantis On the Coast of Spain - Mysterious Universe

Paul Seaburn rather skeptically reports on this month's identification for lost Atlantis. Examining the language used to describe the "fabulous" finds, and viewing the stills and video posted on Paul's referenced The Daily Mail site, this seems more likely a case of "putting lipstick on an archaeological pig"--or Spanish swamp. More substantial is the claim that The Mythical Lost City of Tenea Has Been Found. This declaration comes from the Greek Culture Ministry, and the admittedly slight legendary and archaeological evidence for the city's existence has now been supplemented by serious finds on-site. Imagine, if you will, that Erich von Daniken Says He Is "Not Happy" with Some "Ancient Aliens" Claims. Jason Colavito describes how the tv series Ancient Aliens has outgrown its "father" and it appears von Daniken, David Wilcock, and Giorgio Tsoukalos have lost control over the production. If that thought's not chilling enough, evaluate Colavito's claim that the wider culture has fallen prey to profit-driven fringe enterprises. But wait, Erich von Daniken Promotes New Swiss-Based Ancient Astronaut Research Group, headlines Jason in another article. Apparently von Daniken favors this trio because "Facts, Facts, Facts, and not speculation" are at the heart of their activities when making the usual global connections between interesting ancient sites. Jason, unfortunately, is not impressed with the organization. (WM)

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