Saturday 24 November 2018

Psychology's Replication Crisis Is Running Out of Excuses - The Atlantic

Methodology's been cleared of culpability. Any skewing by sample size and origin has been dismissed with prejudice. And the conclusions from repeated studies raise even stranger questions about phenomenology. For example, online bettors have a knack for knowing the strength of a psychological study. Could there be Psychic Powers At Play In Poker? Another materialist explanation, in this contributor's view, could be the right hemisphere subconsciously counting cards, while the left hemisphere is planning strategy for bluffs, etc.. On the other hand, poker players may be more attuned to the jouissance from winning, thereby informing their wagers. What what is jouissance but good vibrations. Not certain if Tam Hunt is a fan of Brian Wilson and The Beach Boys, but she addresses the thorny question of Could Consciousness All Come Down To The Way Things Vibrate? The concept does resonate with both sides of the consciousness aisle, whether being the rhythm of synapses or the oscillation of interdimensional branes by the first voice who spoke The Word in the beginning. Perhaps this growing dataset could bring everyone together, and closer to an understanding of consciousness? (CS)

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