Wednesday 28 November 2018

Mummy, I See Dead People! These Children All Have Invisible Friends Who Really Existed - And Can Give Details About Them...

Children are guileless, so when one of our own starts describing an invisible friend, in all likelihood we dismiss it as imagination and an indicator our kid needs more play dates. But in these examples, the friends are spectral, not imaginary, with names and history verified by awestruck and often terrified parents. In this next case, it's an artist's past lives that haunt her in a most creative manner: Art From Previous Lives: The Masks Of Candice Angelini. With an established nursing career, Angelini followed an impulse to leave medicine and began creating "masks, dolls and shamanic-style headdresses." She believes her inspiration and talent come from past lives, and no one is arguing. Whatever the source of Angelini's creations, her loss to the medical world has become the art world's great gain. (CM)

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