Wednesday 21 November 2018

More 'Mandela Effect' Accounts

Kate from Chicago wrote to tell of her weird 'Mandela Effect':

“My experience I wanted to share involves a bit of a time slip or a glitch in the matrix per se. It's not an overwhelmingly scary moment but it has definitely left me baffled for most of my life. When I was in high school, I was on the phone with my boyfriend watching the movie 'Babe' while lying in bed before going to sleep. This was before DVDs and digital TV so the set-up was just a mini-TV and a VCR plugged into each other and stacks of tapes sitting loose on the top of the TV set-up. Now as I'm on the phone, I'm discussing the plot of 'Babe' with my boyfriend and I turned my back to the TV so that I'm facing away from the screen and towards my bedroom door. I only laid that way for a few minutes but when I turned back towards the TV there was an entirely different movie playing. I sat up suddenly, slightly confused because I know I was just watching 'Babe'. I suddenly started questioning my boyfriend on the other end of the line on what I said I was watching. And he confirmed that I was going on incessantly about the mice from 'Babe'. I then ejected the movie out of the VCR to see if maybe it could be a mistake or a commercial. I'm not sure why they'd be putting a commercial in the middle of a movie but still I did it anyway. When I ejected the movie, it was not 'Babe' but in fact an entirely different movie. I then searched through a stack of tapes on top of the VCR. I found 'Babe' hidden in the middle of the stack underneath two or three other tapes. This was almost more than 10 years ago and if I'm honest, I haven't watched the movie 'Babe' since then. To this day, I'm not really sure what happened and I cannot explain it away. It's the only real experience I had that I can honestly not explain away with skepticism. There were quite a few experiences in this house but none quite as baffling as this one. It's possible that I was mistaken that I was watching 'Babe' in the first place, but I don't know how I could be so mistaken as to carry on an annoying conversation about it.”

Source: Darkness Radio – August 29, 2016

Beyond Creepy


The following account was given to me by an associate:

"In about 2007, I became aware of an actor (B), using a single name. I knew that actor but he worked under a different name, in a slew of titles going back to the late 1990s. I managed to find a connection via an interview (or something along those lines) that indeed backed up my memory, that actor B was actor A, but that he'd changed his name and was now working primarily in a different genre. Overtime, my memory of his earlier movies faded. I could remember him in various roles (in one he played a mad scientist etc.), his frequent co-stars, the companies he worked for etc. I always knew that actor B was actor A. Then around, a few years ago, I stumbled across actor B. Actor B was somehow not connected filmography-wise to actor A, though I was certain I connected them. I did a search for actor A using old titles, co-stars etc. I could find nothing. My memory of his prior filmography exists... some of the characters he played, scenes he did with certain actors etc. but i found nothing, as if his career started in 2007 even though it started a decade before that. My job requires me to have a good memory on actors, movies etc. I can look at a movie and tell you every actor's name and parts of their filmography. I can usually tell you when they started etc. This has baffled me for years. I've spoken about it with my co-workers. We've had other things happen that we cannot understand, this includes the guy that runs the place but we always put it down to glitches in the program but this thing with the actor has always bothered me. It's like an actor started in 1997 and worked through to the mid-2000s. He appeared in less and less movies and eventually switched genres in 2007, taking on a new name and changing his hair color from blonde, to blonde with a dark streak. somewhere along the way starting somewhere between 2007 and 2012 any proof of his career prior to the name change dissolved, as if his work in those movies, also dissolved out of existence to the point where i cannot recall any titles but have a memory of the characters and scenes but nothing to back it up. and this isn't like he was scrubbed the from the net, but more like he was scrubbed from reality super weird."



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A Saga of Extraterrestrial Dogmen

Captured by the Light: Alien Abductions, Their Origins, and Misconceptions

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from Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

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