Wednesday 28 November 2018

If UFOs Aren't ET Craft or Something from Another Dimension/Universe or Time, What's the Point? - UFO Conjectures

Much in the way Alvin Toffler's Future Shock literally shocked many in the early 1970s, Bill McKibben's upcoming book Falter: Has the Human Game Begun to Play Itself Out? has gotten Rich Reynolds' attention. Against the stark background of this and McKibben's earlier The End of Nature, UFO studies (and just about anything else) appear of paltry insignificance. Unless some UFOs do turn out to be nuts-and-bolts ET vehicles, piloted, in person or in some way remotely, by sentient alien species. Not so sure that would be a Good Thing, per The Horrific Truth About Alien Vampires and Their Lust For Blood. A huge part of Sean Casteel's article concerns the 1977 Brazilian "wave" of UFO attacks and the chupacapbra work of Scott Corrales. Can "cherry-picking" a few such incidents prove a programmatic alien vampire agenda? Perhaps the article and its referenced book have been composed in "vein." Nigel Watson is a listed contributor to this tome and also to UFO Hostilities and the Evil Alien Agenda, which Watson himself reviews in Hold on to Your Tinfoil Hat! One might not agree with Watson that "This collection of so many stories about the horrific side of UFO visitations gives little room for doubt that they have got it in for us, big time!" However, Watson is surely right in calling this book "a sensational exploration of the wilder and unfettered fringes of ufology." (WM)

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