Friday 31 August 2018

Ad Campaign for Haunted House Generates Genuine Terror - Coast to Coast AM

A new spooky attraction in Gainesville, Florida, recently overdid its promo, sending out flyers to the community that scared the bejeebers out of some residents. The business quickly made amends and put out far less volatile advertising, but we have to wonder--if the promo was that scary and they weren't even trying, just how incredibly frightening will the actual attraction be? Next, let's Watch: Creepy Doorbell Video Has Cops Concerned. This clip from a home in Texas certainly ranks as both bizarre and alarming, as an agitated semi-clad stranger approaches the door in the middle of the night, intent unknown.  We hope authorities are able find the strange woman's origins ASAP.  And finally, we have yet another distressing report, this time on a 'Possessed Couch' Set on Fire in Louisiana. Sadly, it seems likely this is a case of untreated mental illness that resulted in the entire home being destroyed. Hopefully the attention drawn to the woman involved will result in her getting some help. (CM)

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