Wednesday, 4 July 2018

My Paranormal Experiences in Life

I've had a few. I will try to list the ones I've had. Please, if anyone has had similar experiences please message me.

  1. My earliest experience with something paranormal was when I was an adolescent about 5 or 6. I was playing hide and seek with cousins during a party and I hid underneath my parents bed. This was a fairly new house for my family and I was a bit unfamiliar with the place but I was comfortable. I hid and after a bit of time, I felt a hand grab my ankle. I've always remembered this incident because it was the first and only time I've screamed and no audible noise has come out of my mouth. That feeling is terrifying, more terrifying than the hand grabbing my ankle. I kicked the hand away and ran towards where the party was. I didn't know what to think or do so I just pretending like nothing happened and played with my Legos. Other than the feeling of being watched, I never had any more paranormal experiences inside the house.
  2. I was 11 or 12 and I was taking out the trash with my brother. It was late and quite dark. I looked past the house towards a local water tower in the distance. Behind the tower I see lights, which appear to be a plane, zipping by, doing impossible aerial maneuvers. This was before drones.
  3. I was 16 or 17. Coming home one night from a friends apartment. His side of town was more historic, lots of antique shops with an old time train station. As I pass the station, something on my right side catches my eye. I see two completely white figures, two ladies in turn of the century dress. Big puffy dresses, with laces and hats. I wasn't startled by them, they just seemed out of place. I looked again to make sure I had seen what I saw and they were gone. The ladies looked like they had white powder all over themselves. They didn't appear foggy or anything but they didn't seem completely present either.
  4. Around the same age, 18. Driving home one night from another buddies house. Take long way home because we had been drinking and smoking pot. Back roads lead up very hilly path. I am going up a big hill and my friend and I see tumbleweed ahead of us. This is an urban area, tumbleweed, wtf? The tumbleweed is going uphill on the right side of the street on the sidewalk. It's ahead of us, I slow down to watch it. It's about 500ft ahead of us and this tumbleweed makes a complete 90 degree turn, crossing the street. When it turns, it no longer is tumbleweed, instead it morphs into some 4 limbed creature and crosses the road. When it gets to the other sidewalk it again turns into dark tumbleweed and continues to climb up hill. It vanishes into darkness. I look at my buddy and asked him if he just saw what I saw. He said he has no idea wtf he just saw.
  5. Early 20s. Summer time. I had just come home from work, lock front door, no one else is home. Extremely hot day, extremely hot room. I strip down to my boxers. One pillow and no sheets on my bed, filthy, I know. Bed is right next to window so it gets a lot of sun, all windows are closed. I take an hour nap. I wake up. Something feels off. I sense something in my boxers. I reach down and pull out two hands full of sand. I freak the fuck out. I stand up, shake all sand off bed and self. I had not been to the beach in weeks. Even so, hands full of sand in my boxers? Unexplainable.
  6. Mid 20's, I saw a silver orb over a busy highway. Kinda bland compared to the rest.

Does anyone have similar experiences? Let me know.

submitted by /u/bhybrid
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