Thursday, 5 July 2018

My experience with... aliens?

I don’t know exactly how to start this. So I apologize if it’s all over the place.

Ever since I was a small child I was talking about aliens. Aliens this, aliens that. I spoke about them all the time, even though I never really knew what they were. My uncle and cousin would say, “Hey, Wyatt. What sounds do the aliens make again?” And id make some weird noises and they’d all laugh. I would star gaze every night. I lived in the country, so I could easily see the stars. I wanted a space themed room. I got those glow in the dark stars that you put on your walls and they leave that residue when you try to peel them off. You know those. My covers had planets on them. I got a telescope for my 5th or 6th birthday. But the strange thing is that my parents never talked about aliens, they never talked about space. It was a fascination that I came to on my own.

Then it’s like one day something changed. All of a sudden I was terrified of aliens. My cousins would taunt me and prank me by pretending to be aliens, or by pretending to see UFO’s. I would cry and start to go into a state of panic. And don’t even get me started about the movie E.T.!

So years and years passed and I was 15. I didn’t have the same obsession and fear of space/aliens. It was something that I had grown out of. Until one day, I saw something. My bed was right next to my window. So when the moon was full you could see the light pour onto the opposite wall. I was on the second story, so nothing could climb up there without a ladder. My window opened up to the roof, which was flat, so someone could walk out of my window and stand on it.

So here’s the story- I was 15. Fast asleep in bed. It was a full moon. I woke up immediately. Terrified. I could feel a presence, a presence that I was afraid of. I kept my eyes closed. Cause if I knew that when I opened my eyes I would see something that would scare me. But I eventually built up the courage and opened my eyes. Like I said earlier, during full moons the light from my window would reflect onto the opposite wall. Well, when I opened my eyes I saw two humanoid shadows, the way the shadows were positioned I could tell that they were outside my window... looking inside... looking at me. I was so afraid that I just stared in fear, until I eventually fell back asleep. Listen, I live in the middle of nowhere Kentucky. My family doesn’t have much money. So it wouldn’t make sense for someone to rob our house. That’s why I don’t think it was human intruders.

You think that’s where the story ends? Oh hell no, it gets way worse.

So a year passes and I am the age of 16. I was tired, so I was going to go to bed. I walked into my room. Looked at my clock, it was 11:16pm exactly. I remember this very clearly. I prepared my bed, and I lied down. But as soon as I lied down, BOOM, I couldn’t move. I have had sleep paralysis before, but never this quick. It was instant this time. My eyes were open. My arm was hanging off my bed. I could hear my door creak open, and light began to enter parts of my room. I thought it was our dog, Trooper, who decided to come into my room. I was so relived, because I thought, if I can get Trooper to lick my hand hanging off the bed I’ll then be able to move again. So I tried to whisper, “Trooper. Trooper.” And then the room went completely dark. I felt cold, wet breath against my ear, and then I heard a terrible terrible voice. It was high pitched, and it spoke gibberish. Super fast gibberish. All of a sudden I could move, I burst out of bed screaming my head off. My room was empty, no monster. I looked at my clock... it was 3:45am. I didn’t even go to sleep! It only felt like I was in bed for a minute or two. I don’t know what that creature was, but based off of my past experiences, I think it could be an extra terrestrial.

All of this is 100% true. I didn’t make this up. What’s your guys thoughts? Do you think it’s aliens or something else?

submitted by /u/TheRealRosepierre
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from Paranormal

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