Thursday, 5 July 2018

I'm the last person to believe in the paranormal, but I have one experience that I cannot explain to this day. Loud breathing in an empty room.

If you asked me if I believed in the supernatural, I will invariably respond in the negative. But I have one experience that I to this day have not heard a believable explanation for.

It was about 5 years ago, when I was living at my dad's place in London. I had a little room in his house with a bed, shower and sink. The bed was elevated over the rest of the room, and you had to get up there with a rickety ladder.

One evening, while my dad was two rooms away in the living room, I was alone in my bed getting ready to go to sleep, sitting up and getting my stuff in order (putting my glasses away, setting my alarm etc.)

Suddenly, I started hearing something. A loud breathing sound, directly in my ear. I am not talking about some subtle, distant sound that could be explained by the heating kicking in or something, I am talking about the sound of somebody breathing directly next to my ear. Clear as fucking day.

And it wasn't some weird blockage of my sinuses that amplified the sound of my own breathing either. It was at a completely independent rhythm, and when I stopped breathing altogether, the sound continued unperturbed. Deep, heavy, loud breathing, as if somebody was taking quick breaths that completely filled their lungs, it had an almost angry sound to it.

I hadn't been really scared in YEARS, but I freaked the fuck out. I flew down that ladder, hit the light switch, and ran the fuck out of that room.

I immediately started googling the experience to find out if it could be explained by some physical condition or something along these lines, but I have not found anything that sounded remotely plausible in explaining what happened.

submitted by /u/TimothyGonzalez
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from Paranormal

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