Saturday 30 June 2018

Was it an Incubus? NSFW: mentions of "sex"

Okay, so this may seem a bit far fetched for a lot of people and even I am in two minds about what happened to me. I am aware of sleep paralysis, and I originally put it down to being that. I've had 3 incidents in the past 2 months, the most recent two being within the last week. The one that I experienced this morning was the most unnerving and interesting.

I had this niggling, anxious feeling before I went to sleep, like intuition was telling me that something was going to happen. But I pushed it to the back of my mind and settled down to sleep. It was somewhere between 5:30-6 am by this point and remember being aware that I wasn't completely asleep, like being between the wake state and sleep state. I was staring at my wardrobe door when suddenly I felt something grab me from behind, like arms wrapping around me. It instantly took my breath away and I was for the most part paralysed.

Now.. my reaction to this came completely out of left field. I wasn't exactly scared as some people have often said they were. I didn't try to scream or cry etc. The words that slipped from my mouth were "fuck me".... That's right, in the midst of whatever was happening to me, I begged it to fuck me (yes, I know how fucked up that is). It just got weirder.. I felt a hand move down between my legs, into my underwear and it started playing with me. Then I felt, what I assume was it's dick???, slip inside me. I opened my mouth to let out a sob, but before I could even vocalise anything, I felt my mouth being filled and I choked. It felt like minutes had passed and my vision was going white and I could barely breathe. Suddenly I heard it let out a guttural growl into my ear (it was honestly the scariest thing I have ever heard) and whatever it was released me. I gasped for air, but could barely move, just little twitches of my fingers and toes. After a minute or so I was able to move again and I just continued to lay there, trying to figure out what just happened. I still wasn't scared, just shocked. I eventually just drifted off to sleep.

submitted by /u/throwawayd3su
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from Paranormal

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