Saturday 30 June 2018

My Experiences With The Paranormal

I`ve gone through paranormal experiences my entire life. Including my family members have their fair share of stories to tell, But I want to tell mine for now. My name is "Xeo". I`m 18 years young. My first experience was when I lived in a new small town in a cruddy rental home few years back. It wasn't much activity but it was enough for me to tell it in a stern voice to quiet down. It was a spirit that always made footsteps up and down the hallway most of the times. It didn`t bug me too much in all honesty. A year passed we moved into another rental home, it was built from the 1700s. The house I live in is on land that has a dark past. It used to a slave plantation. Yeah you heard me. I`ll get to that in a second. It`s a nice sturdy house with history alright. Nice and spacious. Still a bit dusty to be quite. I remember when we came to the open house to meet with the Landlord. Mother was speaking with the landlord in the foyer, while I was in the next left room listening in. "What`s up in the attic upstairs?" mom asked him. The landlord said there was nothing and added on in a spooked tone, "Just don`t go up there, Just no. It`s not safe." I shrugged and though to myself, "Fuck here we go again." I have a sister who is deaf so she was curious what Mom asked the man. I signed to her exactly what was spoked and she asked me why we couldn't go in the attic in the upstairs apartment room. I didn't know what to tell her except it was probably not ventilated or it was a spirit. So we ended up signing a lease for year and moved in right away. One thing I forgot to add was when I first walked in this house, I felt some type of energy. It was not evil. it felt like we were not the only ones there if you catch what I mean. The first occurrence was "The house was settling" when we slept here our first night. I`ll admit it`s an old house but it`s very sturdy and kept up well almost. I brushed it off because as the good youngest child I am, I listened to my Mother. Next was loud heavy foot steps in the kitchen and laundry room. Second hearing my mother and step dads voice calling my name and trying to talk to me from the kitchen when I was the only one home. It has happened multiple occasions and I know I wasn't hearing bullshit because around this time I got a puppy and she was able to hear it too. Lucy would growl and bark towards the voices and foot steps. Third occurrence
was when my older sister and I and my baby niece was heading downstairs from the upstairs apartment. I kept hearing my niece saying "bye bye, bye bye!". I laughed because I thought she was saying bye to her room but my heart dropped when I heard a woman's voice say "Good Bye ~!". I grabbed my niece and ran down those stairs so damn fast. My sister ran too when I signed to her what I heard. The fact my mom was down the steps waiting on us and heard it too made me ecstatic. Mother finally started believing me. I was grateful for that day, I didn't feel as crazy anymore. I only have one of my friends stay a night because she`s used to the activity in my home. This one late evening, we were chilling and on our devices just being teenagers when all the sudden our hearts dropped to our guts. At first I ignored for the fear of my best friend thinking I was insane. A couple seconds passed when she put her phone down and looked at me with her eyes wide. "Did you that loud scream? Or am I tripping?". I smiled trying to hide the fact I was scared, "Did you also hear her screaming for help?". We both agreed on what we heard. Did I mention we were home alone. Since my mother was always on the clock at her job and my father was always at his mothers house everyday. Yeah that happened. I forgot to mention this as well. It was late at night and I had came home from church, It was a great service and I had actually enjoyed myself. I walked into the house behind my Mom and Dad, they headed into their Master bedroom. As I walked into the laundry room casually to go in the living room when I saw it, a humanoid demon like creature. I still get the chills from thinking of it. It was on all fours crawling from the right near corner of the laundry room and diagonally crossed the room. When I saw it I ran back into the kitchen, towards my parents room yelling "Fuck that,that`s it!". This was the first time I was actually very terrified. It was something straight out of a horror movie. It was all black with no hair and was naked. God, I was praying for the Lord that night to protect to me. I was horrified. My step dad still does not believe me but my Mom does, I think. After that it was the same thing for a few months. The voices, the footsteps, My dog growling and barking at something in the corner of my room every night and day. Until a couple months after, it was 3 am and I was talking on the phone with my guy friend in my bedroom with the lights off except for a dim lamp was on to light the room, because I have a fear of the dark tremendously. I was laying in my bed wide awake laughing and chatting on my cellular device when I looked up from the upper right corner of my eye and saw a freakishly tall dark slim figure with a hunched neck/back and was fast as hell walking all rigid motion like. It happened so quick but I know for a fact I have good eye vision far away and I know what I saw. At this point I was done with it. I encouraged my mother to bless our house. First we cleaned our home and got to blessing. We had a round circle block of some blessing and cleansing smoke. Its like sage but stronger. We walked around the house in each room saying prayers. Also here`s a pointer, when it starts to smoke up puffy thick smoke that means there`s a lot of bad energy in the area your blessing in. Well take a guess where those areas were? Yeah My room mostly and the dining room and laundry room. Since then everything has calmed down but recently I`m becoming more sensitive and I`m starting to hear the voices more and more clearly. It`s getting to the point where I can feel a presence around me and assume it`s my sister behind me, placing her hands on my shoulders while humming in a soft tune. When really there`s nobody behind me. I did say I was going to go back to how this land I live on used to be a slave plantation in the 1700s. My mother claims to have seen a african american woman apparition wearing clothes from the time period back when slavery was a common act, My mom said she looked at her, major eye contact for a quick second and walked into the wall. I believe my mom, she wouldn't lie about something like this at all. Also one more thing, Search up East Texas Murder Stories. Yes a murder has happened in this house in the 1900s. It was a woman who was married to a man with polio disease. Long story short she had an lover, got her side man to kill her husband so she could be on her own and be a famous singer. They claim she was in on it, but she denies it. Well obviously you`re gonna deny a crime you`ve done. She did time, got out, years later has a daughter, and died from old age I believe. I can`t remember. Also a guest of mine or two experience sleep paralysis every time they sleep here most of the time.


PS: Thank You For Reading.

submitted by /u/XeoSolly18
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