Tuesday 25 September 2018

Former Beyoncé Bandmate Accuses Singer of Dark Sex Magic - Mysterious Universe

Apparently the incredibly rich and famous have nothing better to do than use their dark powers to pick on underlings for their own maccabre pleasures. At least that's what Beyonce's former drummer would have you believe. And it makes so much more sense to pin her current misfortune to the multi-gazillionaire than taking responsibility for it herself. Speaking of responsibility, The Mysterious Exorcism of Martha Brossier left a few unanswered questions around who was ultimately responsible for the young woman's bizarre behavior. Was it Martha and her family, fooling the world on their grand tour? Was it mental illness or other brain anomaly? Or was it a sinister force that had taken over Martha? Since there was a very large element of self control in her case, our bets are on the first option. But the fact remains that truth can become distorted over time, and often the greatest stories are based in fiction. The Mysterious White Witch of Jamaica is a good example, wherein the reports of a voodoo practitioner/plantation owner may be based on an actual, published book and not in truth at all. Shocking, we know. Still,  Annie Palmer was by all counts a formidable character so if there's even a teensy possibility her story is true, we're paying her the respect she's earned. Sometimes the wisest option is to hedge your bets. (CM)

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from THE ANOMALIST http://bit.ly/2OS4YNp

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