Saturday, 22 March 2025

No Answers, No Defense Against Mystery Drones - 60 Minutes Investigates

No Answers, No Defense Against Mystery Drones - 60 Minutes Investigates -

"In 2019, naval warships training off the California coast were shadowed for weeks by dozens of drones. For years, the pentagon did little to dispel speculation these images, taken with night vision equipment, were UFOs."
     Last month – the head of NORAD and NORTHCOM – the military commands that defend North America – told Congress some of those mysterious drones seen flying inside the United States may indeed have been spying. He did not say for whom. 60
By Bill Whitaker
CBS News
Minutes has been looking into a series of eerily similar incidents – going back years – including those attention getting flyovers in New Jersey recently. In each, drones first appeared over restricted military or civilian sites, coming and going – often literally – "under the radar." The wake-up call came just over a year ago, when drones invaded the skies above Langley Air Force base in Virginia over 17 nights, forcing the relocation of our most advanced fighter jets. Our story starts with an eyewitness and an iPhone. Read more »


Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Alien Doc, “The Age of Disclosure” Stuns Crowd

Alien Doc, “The Age of Disclosure” Stuns Crowd -

"Farah’s doc features 34 senior U.S. Government insiders, including figures in the intelligence and military communities, who claim there’s been an 80-year cover-up of the existence of non-human intelligent life and an arms race between powerful nations to reverse-engineer uncovered technology from these beings."

     Festival crowds are notoriously exuberant—it can be hard to get a real read on a film’s potential for broader success or acclaim even if the first time it plays for a crowd at a film festival results in
By The Credits
cheers and guffaws. Yet sometimes, for some films, a festival crowd’s excitement is as precise an indicator for a film’s impact as you need. This was the case here in Austin this past Sunday, when director Dan Farah showcased his doc The Age of Disclosure for the first time ever to a crowd. His film, years in the making in a production that was kept entirely secret, was astonishing in every sense of the word. Being a part of the audience that got to witness the result of this secretive, deeply researched film felt truly special. And terrifying. The Age of Disclosure has a real shot at being 2025’s defining documentary, and could, should start a real, sustained conversation about what seems now an obvious fact—we are not alone. Read more »


Tuesday, 4 March 2025

The History of UFOs Tampering with Our Nation's Nuclear Arsenal – An Interview with Robert Hastings

Interview with UFOs and Nukes Researcher / Author Robert Hastings (Pt 2) -

     The Good Trouble Show with Matt Ford interviews our special guest Robert Hastings to discuss the Pentagon nuclear secret regarding the Minuteman III nuclear ICBM and the LGM-35A Sentinel that the Pentagon, the United States Air Force, and USSTRATCOM do not want lawmakers to know: UAP / UFOs are tampering with our nation's nukes.

Almost the entire American public is unaware that literally for decades unidentified aerial phenomena or UAP have been tampering with disabling or retargeting our nation's nuclear weapons and the government has no power to stop it today. We
Matt Ford - www.theufochronicles
By Matt Ford
The Good Trouble Show
interview the researcher who uncovered these unsettling cases, Mr Robert Hastings the author of UFOs and Nukes Extraordinary Encounters At Nuclear Weapons Sites. #ad We recorded this interview over the span of two months and I want to note that there were some audio dropouts during our conversation. I encourage everyone to watch this interview in full and then contact your lawmakers in Washington to demand answers and accountability ... Robert welcome to the show ….

See Also:

Interview with UFOs and Nukes Researcher / Author Robert Hastings -
Interview with UFOs and Nukes Researcher / Author Robert Hastings (Pt 1) See Also:

AARO Interviews 'UFOs and Nukes' Witnesses
A snippet of the The New UFO - UAP Law Codifying Investigations, Research and Reporting
The New UFO / UAP Law Codifying Field Investigations, Research and Reporting
Faded Giant Book Cover
My Evidence: The Account of Minute-Man Missiles Being Disabled, While UFOs Hovered Over The Launch Facilities
Faded Giant Cover
The Echo Flight ICBM Incident: Retired USAF Officer Confirms Receiving A UFO Report Just as the Missiles Failed

Did UFOs Cause the Shutdown of ICBMs at Malmstrom AFB, in March 1967?

The Echo/Oscar Witch Hunt

UFOs Did Shutdown Minuteman Missiles at Echo Flight . . .

VIDCAST: Former Boeing Engineer, Robert Kaminski Confirms UFO Activity at Echo Flight Missile Launch Control Facility in 1967

My Evidence: The Account of Minute-Man Missiles Being Disabled, While UFOs Hovered Over The Launch Facilities

Malmstrom Air Force Base Picks Up UFO on Radar; "Sabotage Alert Team Located Another UFO Directly Over The Base"

UFO Lands Near Minuteman Missile Base; Affects Radio Transmissions - Defensive Measures Taken!

UFO Sightings at ICBM Sites and Nuclear Weapons Storage Areas

Air Force Staff Message: Malmstrom AFB Receives Multiple Reports of UFOs in The Great Falls, Montana Area

UFOS & NUKES | U.S. Air Force Fighters Chased UFOs at Malmstrom AFB in the 1960s and ‘70s

Whatever It Is The Air Force Must-Hunt For The Flying Saucer

UFOs & NUKES | Missile Shut Down at Malmstrom Confirmed By (Civilian) Veteran of Minuteman Program

UFOs & NUKES | UFOs Have Penetrated Restricted Air Space Over Nuclear Missile Sites; Jammed Vital Electronic Equipment & Eluded Fighter Aircraft


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Monday, 3 March 2025

‘What are UFOs?’ – A Documentary

What are UFOs -

“So, a lot of ‘Nova’ programs that we make, we make when we think that there is a sufficient level of curiosity in the zeitgeist that we can actually help shed light on essentially. So, we certainly didn’t set out to just say that UFOs are aliens or UFOs are not aliens. We really wanted to know what science thinks about these things.”
     With all the sightings of strange objects in the sky, people have been wondering for decades what these things can be. Whether it’s Roswell or Area 51, people have been convinced there have been beings from other planets visiting Earth. PBS’ “Nova” series examines the phenomenon of UFOs.
By Francine Brokaw

“Nova” co-executive producer Chris Schmidt explained about why this documentary is relevant today: “So, a lot of ‘Nova’ programs that we make, we make when we think that there is a sufficient level of curiosity in the zeitgeist that we can actually help shed light on essentially. So, we certainly didn’t set out to just say that UFOs are aliens or UFOs are not aliens. We really wanted to know what science thinks about these things.”

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Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Soviets Retract Statement of 'Mysterious Radio Signals' From ET

 Reds Retreat on Life in Outer Space 'Discovery' (Heading) - Syracuse Herald (N.Y.) 4-13-1965 -

"The radio astronomers from the Sternberg Institute of Astronomy in Moscow were quoted by the Soviet news agency Tass as saying mysterious signals from outer space came from intelligent beings."
     A group of Soviet astronomers beat a hasty retreat today from suggestions attributed to them Monday about another civilization in outer space.
By Syracuse Herald

The radio astronomers from the Sternberg Institute of Astronomy in Moscow were quoted by the Soviet news agency Tass as saying mysterious signals from outer space came from intelligent beings.

Prof. Joseph S. Shklovsky, head of the radio astronomy department, said:

"The facts are very interesting. But to speak now about the artificial origin of the signals would be premature. We have to approach this question very thoroughly and very carefully."

Shklovsky made his remark at a hastily summoned news conference as astronomers throughout the world expressed doubt and amazement at the Soviet speculation about life in outer space.

Shklovsky, obviously distressed by what he called "the distorted version" of his work published by Tass, deplored the sensation caused by the report.

"We must avoid unhealthy sensationalism. Any sensational atmosphere can only do harm to science and culture in general," he said.

"We are confident in these observations, but there is no such thing as 100 precent certainly."

Also present at the conference were his assistants, Nikolai Kardashev, 33, and Genaddy Sholomitsky, 27.

Tass had quoted Kardashev as saying, on the basis of observation of the peculiar signals: "A supercivilization has been discovered."

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